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Buy Mildronate Grindex

Buy Mildronate Grindex 60.00

Update:                  19 nov. 2019

Grade:                    [A] - Pharmacy

Brand:                    Mildronate

Active substance: Meldonium

Mildronate Buy Online

What is Mildronate?

Meldonium, a performance-enhancing drug marketed under the brand name "MILDRONATE," is frequently used by athletes. Meldonium positively affects the human organism's oxygen consumption and slightly stimulates the central nervous system. Such two combined effects mean that Meldonium raises energy levels and increases performance and efficiency in athletes and daily life.

Buy Mildronate is recommended for patients with decreased effectiveness and efficiency in the work. It reduces muscle weakness and decreases dizziness. The medication also increases thinking, performance, and memory skills.

History of Mildronate:

During the late '70s in Latvia, Mildronate(Meldonium) was synthesized. Originally, Meldonium was only used as a veterinary agent, enabling the growth of farm animals to accelerate. However, after their cardioprotective agents were discovered, Mildronate became excessively used in medicine, a medication to regain physical strength.

Nowadays, Mildronate is used to treat numerous cardiovascular disorders and to address prolonged physical and mental fatigue conditions. Athletes are being given this drug to regain physical strength.

Meldonium improves:

  • Increases the delivery of oxygen to cells.
  • Outstanding for athletes to increase stamina.
  • Prevents cells from dehydration.
  • Increases energy levels and faster physical recovery.
  • Heart health and thought process.
  • The recovery process after extensive training.

The science behind Mildronate:

Normally under vigorous physical exercise, the organism gets exhausted easily, but if the body gets used to physical activity, it uses oxygen efficiently and renews energy reserves rapidly.

Meldonium or Mildronate increases the speed of nerve impulses in the organism by conducting physical functions, thereby speeding up the subsequent movements and impulses in the organism.

When it can be USED?

Athletes use it to boost their stamina, improve oxygen metabolism, accelerate the recovery cycle, and increases efficiency.

It is used to help heal from cerebrovascular disease, brain trauma, and multiple heart disorders.

Lowering physical and emotional stress.

Use in Athletes and Sports:

It is used against headaches and as an anti-ischemic at a medical level because it changes the metabolism, decreases the hemoglobin values, and increases blood fluency. Athletes use it to increase resistance, aid recovery after exercise, defend against stress, and enhance central nervous system functioning.

Meldonium appeared in headlines after Maria Sharapova screened ahead of Australian open positively. Sharapova claims she took the medication 10 years after falling sick daily. She was diagnosed with magnesium deficiency and diabetes. Meldonium was known as the miracle medicine for Maria Sharapova as she was diagnosed with magnesium deficiency and it helped her sustain her physical strength and performance.

Buy Mildronate as Doping Agent:

Once discovered as a performance-enhancer drug, the use of meldonium finds its gear, and it does so as it enhances and retains physical strength. Most athletes and people use the drug to improve their performance and endurance levels.

The drug which causes the unsuccessful doping test of Maria Sharapova appears almost like a portion of miracles.

The 2013 women's 1,500 m world champion, Abebe Aregawi, has been positively tested after mildronate was detected in a sample she received.

The 2015 Tokyo marathon winner, Endeshaw Negesse, has also recently been tested positive for the same drug.

In 2009, Ivars Kalvins, one of the pioneers of the drug, told a journalist that the medication had been used to improve the stamina of soviet troops hauling heavy equipment in Afghanistan. And Grindeks' website states that, in addition to its use for cardiovascular disease, the medication is used "for enhancing healthy people's workability at physical and mental overload.”

Mildronate DOSAGE:

Meldonium is administered with enough water and with meals. Dosages and treatment are purely patient and doctor-decided. Here's a general scheme:

Cardiovascular diseases (in conjunction with other drugs): 400-800mg for 3-5 weeks in one-two daily administrations.

Chronic stroke: 500mg once daily for 2-4 weeks.

Athletes: Twice a day, 500-1000mg before exercise. The duration of treatment is 3-4 weeks during the preparatory phase, 8-12 days during the competition phase.

Sociopath-physical stress: 250mg for 7-10days, two times daily.

Chronic alcohol withdrawal syndrome (in conjunction with other drugs): 500mg for 7-14 days, three times a day.

Before taking this drug, it should be recommended to contact the physician and ask for his opinion. Don't take it without having to consult the doctor.

Mildronate Side-effects:

The side effects include fatigue, irregular gait, dizziness, allergic reactions, sleeping problems, increases in indigestion, and heart rate. Those are the only side effects that arise at the initial stage, and so far no other significant side effects have been found.

Legal Status:

Meldonium has the legal right to use it in many countries such as Russia, Australia, Great Britain, France, and the USA. The WADA approved its use, so it may be used or imported without fear of any illegal activity.

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25 Jun 2020 SlimCat 5 Mildronate Grindex