29.00Update: 19 nov. 2019
Grade: [A] - Pharmacy
Brand: NitroMist
Active substance: Nitroglycerin spray
Buy Nitroglycerin Spray - NitroSpray
Nitroglycerin (NITROSPRAY) is used to treat chest pain (angina) attacks or to avoid them. Nitroglycerin is available in various forms, including spray form, tablet form sublingual, intravenous form, and, tablet form. In an ointment, nitroglycerin is also used to treat the pain associated with anal fissures.
Nitroglycerin causes vascular smooth muscles to relax, causing dilatation of the arteriolar and venous. It reduces cardiac preload and afterload and reduces spasm of the coronary artery, diminishing systemic vascular resistance as well as high and low blood pressure.
Nitroglycerin improves angina pectoris conditions, angina attack, heart failure congestive, lower cholesterol levels, perioperative hypertension, and coronary artery spasm.
It is possible to take the tablets or spray them with or without a meal. See a doctor before you take this drug. Hold the spray away from open fire or high heat, like on a warm day in a car. If it gets too hot, the canister will explode.
At the first sign of chest pain, nitroglycerin is usually taken at 0.4mg 0r 10ml once a day. Within 10 to 15 minutes, you may use sublingual nitroglycerin before an activity that you think may cause chest pain. Try to rest or sit down while taking nitroglycerin (may cause dizziness or fainting).
The side-effects incorporate headache burning, chest pain, nausea, sleeping disorder and, hot flashes.