PARABOL 200 (Tren Enanthate) 10ml 200mg/ml
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Parabol 200 (Trenbolone Enanthate), Tren E - is rightfully considered one of the strongest injection steroids on the market at the moment.
Description of the Parabol 200
It was originally produced for veterinary use (increase in muscle mass), and also increased appetite in animals. However, very quickly won his niche in the "hard" sport. It is very popular and is used in many sports and is used for different purposes. This steroid is considered to be the best drug for increasing mass and increasing strength in a relatively short time. This anabolic is often used by athletes preparing for competitions. He not only increases strength at times, but also has the effect of fat burning, and also contributes to the growth of quality ("dry") elastic muscle mass. Perfect for bodybuilders, and powerlifters (it's noteworthy that it allows an athlete to stay in his weight class (when necessary), but significantly increases strength and stamina and does not give the athlete a sense of re-casting, nor is he converted to estrogens, so he does not retain fluid in the body, however, it is the strongest androgenic steroid, 3-4 times more potent than testosterone. This is one of the anabolics that can be used "solo", for combination with other steroids you need the right composition yat course, to avoid serious side effects. In our time, is not used in its pure form, but it has a few esters, which will be discussed.
Trenbolone enanthate action
Trenbolone cyclohexyl methyl carbonate under the trademark "Parabolan" - has a longer period of validity (as many as a week and a half). Injections are done either once every 7 days or every 10 days at a dose of 300 mg.
Trenbolone enanthate contrast
Parabol 200 or Trenbolone enanthate (aka Tren-E) is similar in properties and dosages to the tren acetate, but it is slightly inferior in duration to 10 days.
Steroid profile of the Train:
- anabolic / androgenic activity from testosterone - 500% / 500%
- converted into estrogens
- the duration of the action depends on the Trenbolone ether, for enanthate it is 15 days.
- is detected within 4 months.
Pros Trenbolone:
- increases strength and endurance
- helps to increase the quality of muscle mass (up to ten kg)
- increases libido (for the duration of the course)
- does not retain fluid in the body
- has a fat-burning effect
- stimulates the production of growth hormone
- non-toxic to the liver and kidneys
Parabol 200 cycle:
Trenbolone is an excellent steroid drug, which gives excellent results on the "solo" course for increasing muscle mass without the need to combine it with other drugs. However, it is a very powerful steroid, and therefore it is not recommended to exceed certain dosages: for acetate, it is 50 mg per day, for enanthate it is 300-350 mg per week. To test the tolerance of the Tren, it is best to start with a minimum dosage. If the entire course is no more than six weeks, then there is no need for additional drugs; if from 6 to 8 weeks, then from the second week, you need to enter Gonadotropin (500 / 1000M every 7 days) and stop taking it two weeks after the course. Then there is a post-course therapy: start 14 days after the last injection or 3 days later (if Trenbolone Acetate was used). To restore the production of their own testosterone take testosterone boosters (4 weeks after the course).
Possible Combinations of Train:
Often the steroid takes "solo" (for the masses) and achieves excellent results. Most often combine it during the "drying". It can be Winstrol, Stanozolol, Masteron. However, professional athletes combine Trenbolone for weight gain with Testosterone, Nandrolone.