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Buy Injectable Steroids Online With Credit Card & PayPal

PARABOL 200 (Tren Enanthate) 10ml 200mg/ml PARABOL 200 (Tren Enanthate) 10ml 200mg/ml € 135.00 Trenbolone Enanthate
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Depotest 200 (Test Cypionate) 10ml 200mg/ml Depotest 200 (Test Cypionate) 10ml 200mg/ml € 82.00 Testosterone Cypionate
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Tren A (Tren Acetate) 100mg/ml Spectrum Pharma Tren A (Tren Acetate) 100mg/ml Spectrum Pharma € 117.00 Trenbolone Acetate
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What are injectable steroids?

Injectable anabolic steroids mainly consist of testosterone, which is an indispensable hormone to promote muscle growth. It is also the maestro of male sex characteristics (e.g., deep voice, facial hair).

There is a ton of evidence that injectable steroids boost muscle growth and improve physical performance.

However, you need to choose the right type for you. With all the choices on the market, it can be difficult to decide where to buy injectable steroids online with Credit Card or PayPal.

The different types of injectable steroids

There are several types of synthetic injectable steroids. Most of these products are oil-based. In other words, testosterone is suspended in oil.

The second type of anabolic steroid is water-based. In this type, the hormone is part of an aqueous solution that contains tiny crystals to hold the chemical composition together.

Regardless of where you buy injectable steroids online, they all get administered via the intramuscular route. This allows the hormone to slowly dissolve into the bloodstream, providing you with relatively constant concentrations of testosterone.

Injectable anabolic steroid esters – Onset of Action

Anabolic steroid esters are diverse. In the field of anabolic steroids, esters are divided into two types:

  • Long-chained esters
  • Short chained esters
By long and short, we refer to the number of carbons that makes up the chain.

Generally speaking, long-ester steroids tend to have a relatively slower onset of action. To simplify the matter, think of it this way: large esters take a longer time to dissolve into the blood, which delays their onset of action.

For instance, decanoate has 11 carbon atoms. This allows it to extend the release of testosterone to over 3 weeks.

Conversely, acetate is a 2-carbon ester that can only extend steroid release for a couple of days. To maintain a steady concentration of testosterone in the blood, acetate-based steroids need to be injected 2–3 times a week.

In summary, each ester gives the solution a unique onset of action.

Difference between oral and injectable steroids

Initially, many users start with the oral form of steroids, then gradually progress to injectable steroids.

Which form is better for muscle growth? Injectable, of course. You see, oral steroids go through several metabolic steps that lower their bioavailability. For instance, once the tablet reaches the digestive system, a large portion won’t get absorbed.

As for the absorbed quantity, it has to go through the first-pass effect, which describes the catabolic action of your liver enzymes on the hormone. With injectable steroids, the solution sits within your muscles and dissolves slowly into the bloodstream.

Another advantage of the injectable form is the duration of action. Oral steroids get cleared from your body very quickly. On the other hand, some injectable steroids for sale with PayPal may last for a few weeks.

How to use injectable steroids?

Optimally, you would inject anabolic steroids into your quadriceps, deltoids, or glutes. These are big muscles that doctors recommend for intramuscular injections.

Make sure to inject the product into the right spot. What matters is avoiding blood vessels and nerves.

Here are some tips to help you perform a safe injection:

Glutes – This is our favorite site of injection. It is best to divide your buttock into 4 quarters. The safest site of injection is the upper, outer quarter. Healthcare professionals recommend this site because it avoids the sciatic nerve.

Quads – The quads are also a safe option. Inject yourself in the outer thigh, midway between your hip and knee.

Delts – The risks of skin irritation and bleeding are more common in deltoid injections. Be careful with this one!

Now that we covered the injection sites, what about the frequency of injections? Well, every type of injectable steroid has a unique onset and duration of action. This means that in order to keep steady levels of testosterone in the blood, you need to add an injection before the previous one clears out.

What results to expect from Injectable steroids?

Injectable anabolic steroids offer multiple benefits, including:

Reduce recovery time – A long recovery time is an enemy of every bodybuilder. The faster you recover, the more workout you can perform and the bigger your muscles.

Boost lean muscle mass – This one is a no-brainer. Injectable steroids boost the levels of testosterone, which is vital for muscle growth. In fact, having enough testosterone in your blood can cause muscle growth even without exercise.

Accelerate lipolysis – Injectable steroids accelerate the basal metabolic rate, which leads to burning more fats while at rest.

Increase red blood cell production – Steroids accelerate the process of red blood cell production. These cells are crucial for the body since they transport oxygen from the lungs to the muscles. More red blood cells mean better performance.

What are possible Side effects?

Depending on your age, gender, dosage, duration, and the type of anabolic steroid you get, your risk of side effects varies.

With that said, here is a list of some of the most common side effects of taking injectable steroids:

  • Acne
  • Fluid retention
  • Dysuria (i.e., pain during urination)
  • Gynecomastia (i.e., enlarged male breasts)
  • Increased red cell count
  • Higher levels of bad cholesterol (LDL)
  • Lower levels of good cholesterol (HDL)
  • Excessive hair growth or hair loss
  • Changes in libido

How to buy injectable steroids online with Credit Card or PayPal?

To buy injectable steroids online with credit card or PayPal, you only need to follow a few simple steps. Fortunately, you don’t have to look any further. SlimCat Pharmacy offers steroids for sale with PayPal and other payment methods.

Follow these steps to achieve your fitness goals in a record time:

  1. Add the desired product(s) to the cart

  2. Click on the checkout button

  3. Fill in the contact and delivery information

  4. Select your preferred payment method (PayPal or credit card)

  5. Enter information about your credit card or PayPal

  6. Click on pay

That’s all it takes to buy injectable steroids online! With a few clicks on your phone or computer, your package will be on its way to your home.