Stano-Med (Stanozolol injection) Bioniche 10ml 100mg/ml

Buy Stano-Med (Stanozolol Injection) Bioniche Pharma
- Stano-Med is number one in competition prep pharmaceuticals. Does not retain excess fluid in the body (only dry mass is collected).
Stano-Med Bioniche description
Athletes who used this drug reported that they became more energetic and had increased strength indicators, contributing to an increase in the intensity of the training process. The weight gained during the use of this remedy is a qualitative "dry" muscle weight. The resulting strength and weight can be maintained for a long time.
Professionals believe that stanozolol injections have a greater effect compared to tablets. Injections that are placed locally, for example, on the deltoid muscles, can externally increase muscle volume. The result gives a dose of 50 to 100 milligrams per day.
The drug is perfectly combined with Oxandrolone, and a good increase in strength becomes noticeable. This combination is suitable for athletes who achieve a large increase in strength indicators but do not seek to leave their weight category. And this tool is perfectly combined with the following means:
Nandrolone (Deca);
Oxymetholone (Anadrol);
Drostanolone (Masteron);