TESTO MIX 250 (Sustanon) 10ml 250mg/ml Spectrum

Buy Testomix 250 (Sustanon) Spectrum Pharma
Testomix 250 is a drug widely used by athletes. It can be effectively used in various sports (it can be bodybuilding, weightlifting, or other power, and not only disciplines). It is mainly used to achieve a rapid set of muscle mass, and also because of the ability to increase strength, endurance, appetite, and even libido / sexual activity.
Testomix 250 description:
Testomix 250 (Sustanon) Spectrum Pharma is a steroid preparation that contains as many as four testosterone esters: testosterone decanoate, isocaproate, phenylpropionate, and propionate with a total concentration of 250 mg per 1 ml. It has pronounced androgenic and anabolic properties, also a notable feature is a long and at the same time quite even effect after injection (a high background of testosterone is maintained throughout almost the entire period of activity, up to 3 weeks).
Spectrum Pharma Sustanon: steroid properties
You cannot buy this drug in a pharmacy, but in our store, it is available at an adequate price for everyone. In general, the first such tool appeared on sale in the second half of the last century. The multi-testosterone mix has been specifically designed to provide a prolonged action of the hormone. It was produced exclusively for medical use, where it had multiple indications for use (from dysfunction of the reproductive system to stimulation of protein anabolism in patients).
Nothing is surprising in the fact that the first analogs of modern Spectrum Sustanon quickly spread beyond traditional medicine, in particular in sports practice. Here, testosterone-containing injections have always been in great demand due to their inherent effects. And the mix of testosterone esters seems to be specially created for the development of the athlete's physical form.
Spectrum Testomix 250, with the correct construction of the course, helps to increase muscle mass in a short time, increases physical and mental performance, and increases the endurance and strength of the user. Among the positive reactions are also observed: increased appetite, increased sexual activity, elimination of joint pain (due to improved lubrication), and strengthening of the bone apparatus, which is always important for actively training athletes.
Some buyers are concerned about whether to purchase Testomix 250 (Sustanon), which is better, or should look at similar steroid products from other manufacturers. If you also cannot decide, then we recommend that you study the reviews that we can find both directly in the store itself and on the Forum. Here you can quickly get the answer to this and many other questions from the most experienced consultants, including a professional bodybuilding trainer.
According to reviews, Sustanon Spectrum is a working steroid drug, as indicated by the analysis and the results obtained. Improvements are felt already at the beginning of the course and only progress later. It can show side effects (estrogenic or androgenic side effects are possible in men, and women may experience masculinization), however, if the recommendations are followed, the risk is low.
After purchase, a closed vial of a steroid should be stored out of reach of children and pets, in a dark and dry place at a temperature not exceeding room temperature (not higher than 25 degrees Celsius).
Spectrum Pharma Sustanon course for an athlete
For sports tasks, this composite steroid is usually combined with other steroid anabolics and androgens to obtain optimal results at the end of the course. The use of Spectrum Testomix 250 is well combined with drugs of various properties, ranging from methandienone in tablets (Danabol or equivalent) to stanozolol in an injectable form (Winstrol or equivalent).
The choice of pharmacology for combined administration is an individual matter, largely depending on the level of training and preferences of the athlete. For example, if your main goals are to maximize muscle mass and increase strength, then the classic course with nandrolone decanoate and methandienone is well suited (Sustanon is recommended mainly for experienced athletes when it is not the first experience in the use of steroid drugs).
The course of application of Sustanon lasts about 6-8 full weeks since for most athletes this is the optimal duration of use in terms of results, not associated with an increase in the risk of side effects. Dosages are recommended at about 250-500 (750) mg per week (corresponding to 1-2 (3) ml of the drug).
As already noted, the use of Spectrum Pharma Sustanon can cause androgenic or estrogenic side effects: androgenic - increased sweating, body, and facial hair, oily skin, acne; estrogenic - an increase in body fat, fluid retention, increased blood pressure, a gynecomastia in men. For women for sports purposes, this com